• 观看记录



    • 片名:超8岁月
    • 状态:HD
    • 主演:安妮·埃尔诺 
    • 导演:安妮·埃尔诺,大卫·埃诺-布里奥
    • 年份:2022
    • 地区:法国 
    • 类型:记录 
    • 更新:2024-03-24
    • 简介:

        In re-viewing our super eight films, shot between 1972 and 1981, it occurred to me that they comprised not only a family archive but a testimony to the pastimes, lifestyle and aspirations of a social class in the decade after 1968. I wanted to incorporate these silent images into a story which combined the intimate with the social and with history, to convey the taste and colour of those years.

    2022/法国 /综艺 /国语/
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      In re-viewing our super eight films, shot between 1972 and 1981, it occurred to me that they comprised not only a family archive but a testimony to the pastimes, lifestyle and aspirations of a social class in the decade after 1968. I wanted to incorporate these silent images into a story which combined the intimate with the social and with history, to convey the taste and colour of those years.


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